Sustainable Living » Reduce Your Carbon Footprint » Guide to Heat Pumps

Guide to Heat Pumps

Making the switch to an electric Heat Pump

When upgrading your HVAC system, there are many benefits, both financially and environmentally, for switching to an electric heat pump.  Heat pumps can be used to both heat and cool the air in your home. A heat pump can fully replace a conventional air conditioner. During heating cycles, much of the heating can be shifted from an existing furnace or boiler to the heat pump. 

Heat pumps can be used in a variety of HVAC configurations, whether you have gas or electric heat, radiators or forced air. Heat pumps can be installed to replace a central air conditioning unit or be used to replace an entire HVAC system. 

Heat pumps can reduce the costs to heat and cool your home and run more efficiently than gas or electric furnaces. This results in an overall reduction of energy consumption, as well as reduced natural gas consumption, if used to supplement or replace a gas furnace. Additionally, residents can take advantage of federal tax credits to offset the cost of purchasing a new heat pump. Information on available tax credits can be found here

When looking to install a heat pump, be sure to select an HVAC contractor who has experience with heat pumps, and always make sure your contractor is licensed with the Village.